Monday, February 7, 2011

Sharing is Caring: How to install CommentLuv in Blogger

As I mention in this entry,  I have been trying to install CommentLuv function for a weeks ++ now. I don't know where is the mistake and what is wrong somewhere and somehow *sigh*

But, after the countless effort and attempt, I manage to install CommentLuv, yeay!!

So, let me share with you on how to install CommentLuv for Blogger user. Ermmm, I'm not going to write the steps-by-steps instruction but, I want to share this useful tutorial by Ileane from Basic Blog Tips. Her tutorial did help me, a lot! Generally, follows the steps below:

Step 1 - Go to Intense Debate website and create an account with them.
Intense Debate website

Step 2 - Refer to the tutorial by Ileane from Basic Blog Tips.

Step 3 - Activate the CommentLuv widget.

In the tutorial, it says that you can either choose to install the Intense Debate as a widget or right into your template. I have tried to install it as a widget but unsuccessful. I guess my template do not support the widget.

Thus, I install Intense Debate right into my template. Below are the instruction from Intense Debate website:

*Click for larger view*

Yes, the instruction is quite detail, but somehow I misunderstood Steps #5 and #6. I've got confused there. Let me explain further for those steps: 

Steps 5 - Click Download Full Template and save the file somewhere convenient. (I thought this is for backup only, which is not! The saved file is actually for Step #6)

Step 6 - Select the file on your harddrive by clicking "Browse" below: (You have to click exactly on the "Choose File" button there, not the one at your blogger screen and "files on your harddrive" means the template you save in Step #5)

Then upload the file to us by clicking "Upload file" below. (Click the upload button there not in your blogger screen, don't get yourself confuse like me)

*source: google image
Am I making you even more confuse? Hopefully not. This is the best that I can do. I'm no expert too. Let's learn together, okay? Till then, bye!

Jbrought to you by CM in Sharing is Caring